Environmental Policy Statement
Environmental Policy Statement
We strive to incorporate sustainability into our core operations through internal and external efforts. Specifically, we adopt the following policies and practices:
- Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle.
- Avoid the use of toxic chemicals.
- Conserve energy, water, natural resources, and move away from fossil fuels where possible.
- Promote environmental education, outreach, and awareness to our staff.
- Reduce, Reuse and Recycle
We commit to –
- Work tirelessly to reduce our waste stream by increasing our recycling.
- Strive to increase waste diversion by recycling all paper, cardboard, wood, metals, bottles, plastics, packaging, and cans.
- Discourage the use of disposable products by using washable/reusable items.
- Reduce the waste generated by donating reusable office items (appliances, electronic equipment, and furniture) to charitable organizations.
- Reuse envelopes and packaging.
- Promote the use of natural lighting and solar energy, where feasible.
- Institute a policy to turn off lighting and appliances in unoccupied rooms.
- Conserve water with the installation of ultra-low flow and/or dual flush toilets, plant native drought-tolerant plants.
- Toxics Reduction
We minimize the use of toxic materials to protect employee health and the environment. Specifically, we do the following -
- Purchase low to non-toxic janitorial cleaning products (only those approved for use by the CA Green Business Program). Certified by Green Seal, UL Ecologo, EPA Safer Choice, or with a rating from the Environmental Working Group of an 'A' or 'B.'
- Use recycled-content products, materials, and supplies when available.
- Recycle universal wastes (electronics, batteries, fluorescent light tubes, used motor oil) and prohibit purchasing materials that may lead to hazardous waste generation. Find a drop-off for universal/hazardous waste at Earth911 or your local waste hauler’s website.
- Conserve Resources
Environmentally Preferable Purchasing
We purchase/use the following:
- Office paper with 100% recycled content or 30% + FSC certified; bathroom, and kitchen papers with at least 30%+ post-consumer recycled content as well.
- Refillable bottles, canvas bags, and reusable to-go containers.
- LED lighting and Energy Star appliances and electronics.
- Water-efficient toilets and faucet aerators.
Conserve Fossil Fuels
We shall conserve fossil fuels by:
- Encouraging the use of public transit.
- Promoting biking to work and carpooling.
- Employee Education
We shall educate employees on resource conservation and pollution prevention through –
- Hosting only zero-waste events i.e. ensuring that little to no waste is generated during work parties, picnics, and meetings.
- Training programs to educate employees on proper recycling & composting practices, resource conservation ideas, the importance of low-toxic purchasing, etc.
- Informing staff of environmental issues in training materials and staff meetings.
Through the course of our work, we endeavor to promote these policies to other companies, organizations, and individuals. Through donations, we will support the work of local environmental organizations.